Get inside your dog’s mind to reap the results of reward-based dog training. Through an understanding of dog psychology you move onto motivating your best buddy using rewards and how to cope with bad behavior, as well as learning a lexicon of basic commands.
The first initial visit I undertake is called a “meet and greet”. Here I will ask you a few questions into the dogs past, the dogs health and the dogs mental state. I will also observe your dog and how it interacts with you. This will give me a snapshot of your dog’s behavioral problem and why it does what it does.
After this first initial visit, I leave the owner to rethink about all that has been said. There are no training contracts to be signed. The decision lies solely in the hands of the owner whether my help is needed in solving your dogs’ problem. If you do decide that help is needed, than please give me a call in order to set-up a “training” appointment.
The training lesson will take an estimated hour long and is more mentally stimulating for the dog than physically. Once we’ve completed the training, I do leave the owners with a set of guidelines that need to be repeated every day, therefore allowing the dogs state of mind to reset. Patience and repetition of the owners is needed. If the owners don’t invest the time to practice every day this new behaviour, will the dog not change.